Baby Doll fame Bollywood singer Kanika Kapoor has taken to Instagram to announce her second marriage as she shared a series of photos. The singer, who caused a massive health scare in 2020 by attending a high-profile party with coronavirus symptoms, exchanged wedding vows with businessman Gautam Hathiramani after dating him for several years.
Sharing photos of her wedding celebrations, Kanika wrote, “And I said YES❤️ Fairy tales can happen to you, just never stop believing in them. Dream because one day those dreams do come true. I found my prince, I found my co-star 😍 So grateful to the universe in making us meet.”
Terming her new husband as her hero, Kanika wrote, “Excited to start our journey together; to grow old with you, to love you and learn with you. But most important to laugh with you. Thank you for making me smile every day. My best friend, my partner and my hero❤️.”
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Among those congratulating Kanika included several Bollywood celebrities such as Shahid Kapoor’s wife Mira Rajput and fashion designer Manish Malhotra. Mira wrote, “Congratulations.” Manish also shared a series of red heart emojis as he congratulated the singer on starting a new journey.
Kanika was earlier married to NRI businessman Raj Chandok. 43-year-old singer married Chandok in 1998 and shifted her base to London. She has three children including two daughters, Aayana and Samara and a son Yuvraaj from her first husband. She took divorce from Chandok in 2012 and returned to Lucknow to live with her parents.
Kanika became a topic of intense media coverage during the first wave of the pandemic in 2020 after she was found to have attended a function in Lucknow with coronavirus symptoms. Former Chief Minister Vasundhara Raje Scindia and her son Dushyant Singh were among those high-profile names who were forced to go in self-quarantine after Kanika’s health condition became public knowledge.