A visually-impaired Muslim woman from Kerala has appealed to Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal for help in a moving video after she was reportedly denied a rented house in Delhi for being a Muslim.
In the short video, Reem Shamsudeen said the behaviour was not expected from the people of Delhi, a city which is known for its cosmopolitan and metropolitan nature.
Shamsudeen also said she hoped noone would have to encounter such kind of shameful and inhumane behaviour in the future.
“I would like to bring to your notice an instance of discrimination which I had to undergo recently. After the summer vacation, I got a rented flat and paid the advance for my mother and me to move in. The day I got the entire luggage to the new place, the land lord denied giving me the key, saying that she cannot rent her flat to a Muslim,” Shamsudeen said.
“If I had to face this kind of an experience, what would be the case of my students who come from various parts of the country?” Shamsudeen said.
Shamsudeen has done her MA, MPhil and PhD from English and Foreign Languages University in Hyderabad, where she “had never experienced this level of discrimination based on religion”.