Tina Ambani has written an emotional note for her mother and mother-in-law Kokilaben Dhirubhai Ambani on Mother’s Day. Her heartfelt note, which came days after she wished Shloka Mehta and Akash Ambani on their first wedding anniversary, also elicited a response from Amitabh Bachchan’s daughter Shweta Bachchan Nanda.
Taking to Instagram, Tina Ambani shared a series of throwback photos of herself with her mother-in-law as she wrote, “A mother’s love is unconditional, uncompromising, unmatched, for eternity. It is a warm embrace, a place you call home, a true haven. Miss you mummy today, every day ❤️ Have learnt so much about motherhood from you and Kokila Mummyji.
Thank you.”
Tina was seen posing for the camera with her mother-in-law as well as her Mom Meenakshi Munim. Also seen in one of the photos was her husband Anil Ambani.
Her post evoked plenty of reactions but the most prominent response came from Shweta Bachchan Nanda, who posted black heart emoji.
Tina had recently wished Bollywood actress Sonam Kapoor Ahuja and her husband Anand Ahuja on their wedding anniversary. Her adorable note had read, “Happy anniversary to a bright, beautiful, stylish, sassy couple! Stay blessed Sonam and Anand.”
Tina’s reaction to the tragic death of her former co-star Rishi Kapoor had become a top trend on the internet recently. She had written, “Devastated that you’re gone Chintu. Thank you for the movies, the memories, the sheer joy of knowing you for a lifetime. Love always. Om shanti.”
Tina, who’s quite active on Instagram had also recently trended after she sent a profound note to her nephew Akash Ambani and his wife Shloka Mehta on the occasion of their first wedding anniversary. Days later, she had also wished her brother-in-law Mukesh Ambani on his birthday. Tina’s husband Anil Ambani is the younger brother of India’s richest man Mukesh Ambani.