Nitish Kumar launches blistering counter attacks on Narendra Modi


Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Sunday launched an all out attack on his political rivals namely Chief Minister Nitish Kumar and the Rashtriya Janata Dal chief Lalu Prasad Yadav.

Here are the highlights of his speech from ‘Parivartan Rally’ in Gaya.

  • JDU means Janta Ka Daman (suppression) aur Utpeedan(exploitation), RJD means Rozana (Daily) Jungle Raj ka dar
  • You give me blessing, I promise I will take Bihar out of the list of bimaru (sick) states
  • Nitish and Lalu led alliance will poison the people of Bihar after the elections
  • Bihar is not developing because of the arrogance of those who are ruling the state
  • You gave me lots of love in the last elections. Now I want to return that love with interest
  • Will you again take Bihar into the dark times of last 25 years? Will you save Bihar?
  • Even in modern India, no state has contributed to the growth India as much as Bihar has done.
  • We need a government in Bihar that is not arrogant
  • Bihar is not developing because of the arrogance of those who are ruling the state

Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar wasted no time in giving point by point rebuttal to what Modi had to say. He took to twitter to post his replies in Hindi.

  • जनता के दमन और उत्पीड़न के सन्दर्भ में वाजपेयी जी द्वारा 2002 में आपको राजधर्म निभाने की नसीहत से पूरा देश वाकिफ है       ( Entire country knows if you followed the Rajdharm(duty) in 2002 riots as advised by Vajpayi ji)
  • पहले DNA, अब बिहार को बीमारू और बिहारवासियों को दुर्भाग्यशाली बता कर मोदी जी बिहार वासियों के प्रति अपने पूर्वाग्रह को साबित कर रहे हैं (First DNA comments and now by calling Bihar a sick state and Biharis unfortunate, Modiji has only confirmed people’s doubts about his intention for the state)
  • आपने कहा, जेल से व्यक्ति बुराइयाँ लेकर आता है. कृपया बताएं कि जेल से निकले आपकी पार्टी के अध्यक्ष अमित शाह जी कौन सी बुराइयाँ लेकर आयें है? (You said a person carries evil deeds after serving jail sentence. Please explain, which evil deeds your party president Amit Shah is carrying?)
  • मोदी जी ने कहा कि पिछले 25 बरस में कुछ नहीं किया. यहाँ रोजाना BJP के नेता पिछले दस सालों के विकास का श्रेय लेने की कोशिश में हैं (Modiji said no development has taken place in Bihar in last 25 years. But his state leaders-who were partner in government with JDU until recently-are desperate to take credit for the development of last 10 years.
  • अब ये बताएं कि कौन सही है. बड़े मोदी या छोटे मोदी? ( So please tell us which Modi is telling us the truth? You the senior Modi or junior Modi-state BJP president Sushil Modi?)
  • दो बरस से बिहार की जनता के प्यार और समर्थन को ब्याज के साथ लौटने की बात कर रहे हैं.(For last two years you are talking about returning Bigari people’s love with interest)
  • पिछले डेढ़ साल से प्रधानमन्त्री हैं, ब्याज तो छोड़िये, मूल धन का भी पता नहीं (You’ve been prime minister for last one and half years. Let alone the interest, we can’t even see the principal amount)
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