Often billed as Hyderabad’s Shloka Mehta and Akash Ambani, a photo of tennis star Sania Mirza’s sister Anam leaping into husband Asad’s arms has gone viral prompting fans to declare them a ‘made-for-each-other’ couple.
While sharing the adorable photo of herself with husband Asad, Sania Mirza’s sister simply posted a black-colour emoji.
Clad in a yellow, blue and magenta striped midi dress, Anam literally lept into her adoring husband, Asad’s arms. The black slippers and lose hair added to the carefree vibe of the much-in-love couple. The photo evoked plenty of positive reactions from fans with one writing, “Looking gorgeous.” Another commented, “Wow made for each other.” “Couple goals,” declared another fan.
While Anam did not state the location of this photo, some fans suspected the couple had posed for the camera during their visit to Ramoji Filmcity in Hyderabad.
Anam and Asad exchanged wedding vows in a glittering wedding ceremony last year with the top names from Telangana politics, fashion and entertainment attending the function. The couple had later travelled to Europe on a honeymoon.
The Mirzas are royalty in Hyderabad just like the Ambanis in Mumbai. What makes the alliance between Anam and Asad even more special is the status of the latter’s father Mohammed Azharuddin as one of the most successful captains of the Indian cricket team. Azhar, who led India both in One Day International and Test matches for a number of years, is currently the President of the Hyderabad Cricket Association.
Sania had confirmed in October last year that her younger sister Anam would marry Asad. “She is actually getting married in December. We just came back from her bachelorette trip in Paris. We are really excited,” she had told Times of India.
This is Anam’s second marriage after she separated from her first husband Akbar Rasheed in 2018. Both had got married in a star-studded ceremony in 2016.