Remember Arun Govil, Deepika Chikhalia and Sunil Lahri, who played the three lead characters of Ram, Sita and Laxman in the famous TV series Ramayan? They will be special guests on The Kapil Sharma Show to commemorate 33 years since the popular TV series created a new benchmark in the popularity of TV series. Promos broadcast by Sony TV has indicated that the show is set to be a laughter-riot affair.
Kiku Sharda, who plays the character of Bachcha Yadav on The Kapil Sharma Show, asked Govil, “Lord, if you are here then who’s running the affairs of this universe?” His joke left everyone including the show’s guests in splits.
Govil also sensationally claimed that after the Ramayan became a big hit, he was offered ‘hefty amounts’ to do racy shoots. News agency IANS quoted him as saying, “While we were shooting for Ramayan, a lot of renowned magazines approached me and the other cast members to do sensuous photoshoots for them. They were so desperate that they were ready to pay hefty amounts of money for it,”
The show featuring the three lead characters of Ramanand Sagar’s Ramayan is aimed at celebrating the 33 years since the iconic TV series smashed all records of popularity after it went on air on Doordarshan. A social media post by Sony TV read, “Nostalgia takes over this Saturday on #TheKapilSharmaShow at 9:30 pm. Tell us about your memorable moments while watching ‘Ramayan’ in the comments below.”
Lahri also revealed that not many knew that the person playing the character of Hanuman ji, late Dara Singh, was a Punjabi. “This was the first time people realised that Hanuman ji was a Punjabi,” said Lahri leaving everyone in splits once again. Govil was asked if the heavy costume of Lord Ram’s character made his skin itchy. He replied, “Later on, my skin used to become itchy by just looking at my costumes.”
The show featuring Govil, Chikhalia and Lahri will go on air this weekend at 9.30 PM.