Indian Idol judge Neha Kakkar is facing brutal trolling for allegedly stealing the dresses worn by Anushka Sharma, Priyanka Chopra and Deepika Padukone during her wedding and reception functions. Many are accusing the famous Bollywood singer of resorting to imitation the same way she has allegedly created chartbusters with remakes of popular Bollywood songs. Last month, Neha exchanged wedding vows with Rohanpreet Singh, a former singing reality show contestant and a suitor of ex-Bigg Boss contestant, Shehnaaz Gill aka Punjab’s Katrina Kaif.
No sooner did Neha share photos of her wedding and reception, netizens took to the microblogging site to draw a striking similarity of her outfits with that of Anushka, Priyanka and Deepika. For some users, the lehenga worn by Neha for her reception was exactly similar to what Deepika had chosen for her wedding reception.
Others felt that Neha’s Gurudwara outfit bore an uncanny resemblance to what Anushka had worn for her wedding. Then there were those, who felt that the Indian Idol judge’s red lehenga for her wedding was exactly similar to what Priyanka had opted for her own big day.
As expected, the singer began to face incessant trolling with many alleging that ‘remake’ and ‘mashup’ were common threads between the choice of her wedding and reception outfits and how she selected her Bollywood songs.
One user wrote, “#NehaKakkar’s career – Bollywood mashup. Her wedding clothes – Bollywood mashup.” Another user wrote, “Woh gaane remake karti hai toh shaadi kya cheez hai bey (She remakes Bollywood songs, then why to fuss about her wedding).”
Here’s how they reacted:
#NehaKakkar’s career – bollywood mashup
Her wedding clothes – bollywood mashup— trinizzleswafizzle (@chinnaswamyji) October 28, 2020
Just watched some wedding pictures of Neha kakkar ? girl stole the whole dress of Anuksha Priyanka and Deepika ???#NehaKakkar
— भावना? (@bhawana_subedi) October 27, 2020
#NehaKakkar was so bored of remaking songs that she decided to remake weddings . Heights of pretense
— Jae Mess (@MessJae) November 2, 2020
@iAmNehaKakkar remake karta karta shadi bhi remake ma kar li ?#NehaKakkar
— UTSAV MISHRA ?? (@utsavmofficial) October 29, 2020
After song remake.. Neha Kakkar tries wedding remake!
— X Æ A-12 (@tits_and_chips) October 27, 2020
Neha is arguably the most popular singer in the Indian film industry, while her husband Rohanpreet had shot to fame from a singing reality show, India’s Rising Star, where he finished first runner-up. He had also taken part in a Colors TV reality show as a suitor of former Bigg Boss contestant Shehnaaz Gill aka Punjab’s Katrina Kaif.
Neha was earlier in a relationship with actor Himansh Kohli but they parted ways on an acrimonious note. In February this year, Neha had publicly slammed Himansh when she threatened the latter to stop using her name for cheap fame failing which, she will be compelled to expose the latter’s family.