FIR actress Kavita Kaushik has shared a social media post on Twitter, demanding the arrest of Arnab Goswami after he sensationally alleged the involvement of the Maharashtra Police in the lynching of two Hindu monks in Palghar. Kavita has been menacing in her criticism for Goswami after he was accused of using disparaging words for Congress President Sonia Gandhi.
This was after a Congress functionary from Karnataka shared a clip of Goswami’s TV broadcast where the Republic TV founder was seen blaming the Maharashtra Police for its involvement in the murder of two Hindu monks. While sharing the video of the Republic TV broadcast, the Congress worker wrote, “Arnab is today saying Maharashtra Police did the Palghar lynching! To deflect attention from BJP men caught in the lynching, Arnab is accusing cops. Request @OfficeofUT @AnilDeshmukhNCP & @DGPMaharashtra to take suo-moto cognizance & #ArrestArnab.”
Arnab is today saying Maharashtra Police did the Palghar lynching!
To deflect attention from BJP men caught in the lynching, Arnab is accusing cops
Request @OfficeofUT, @AnilDeshmukhNCP & @DGPMaharashtra to take suo-moto cognizance &
— Srivatsa (@srivatsayb) April 28, 2020
Goswami had faced intense grilling by the Mumbai Police in a case related to hate speech by him. His interrogation has lasted for more than 12 hours. Goswami is accused of giving a communal colour to the Palghar lynching even though the Maharashtra Home Minister made it abundantly clear that the accused and the victims both were from the same religion.
Kavita had lashed out at Republic TV founder Arnab Goswami for disparaging comments aimed at Congress President Sonia Gandhi during one of his recent TV shows. Reacting to a video rant by Goswami, Kavita had written, “Seriously, how is this allowed ?? And students have FIR against them !? But this is OK ??? Seriously?”
Later, the popular TV actress was seen giving grief to right-wing trolls with her terse response.