BJP’s Rajya Sabha MP Subramanian Swamy on Sunday lashed out at a follower of Prime Minister Narendra Modi after he attacked the former’s journalist daughter Suhasini Haidar for tweeting against banging utensils as part of Janta Curfew.
This was after Haidar tweeted questioning the rationale behind banging utensils, as advised by Modi in his address to the nation on Friday. Haidar had tweeted, “All my gratitude to Doctors and emergency health workers in advance… I do hope the clanging doesn’t hurt or frighten the birds and animals that live in our Indian cities, however. #CoronaVirus.”
Reacting to her tweet, one user, who identified himself as a follower of Modi, wrote, “Peaceful effect Down pointing backhand index @Swamy39 will have no comments on this. Gyan is only reserved for FM and PM and the govt.” The user also tagged Swamy in his tweet while attacking his daughter.
Peaceful effect ?
@Swamy39 will have no comments on this. Gyan is only reserved for FM and PM and the govt.
Cc @AparBharat— MKG 2.0 ?? (@MKG_II_0) March 22, 2020
He found support from another Hindutva follower, who wrote sarcastically, “He will claim that he has no relationship with his daughter.” However, this comment did not go down well with Swamy, who responded by calling his critic a ‘bigot.’ He wrote, “I am not a bigot like you. My daughter has, after age 21, the right to her views subject to Constitutional restrictions. Don’t follow her tweets if you can stand it.”
: I am not a bigot like you. My daughter has, after age 21, the right to her views subject to Constitutional restrictions. Don’t follow her tweets if you can stand it.
— Subramanian Swamy (@Swamy39) March 22, 2020
The Twitter user, also a BJP supporter, objected to Swamy’s name-calling and said, “Sir, did i abuse you or your daughter? Abusive term used in return to a comment is BIGOTRY.”
Justifying his angry reaction, Swamy said, “You did abuse. You said I will say that I have nothing to do with her. All said and done, she is my daughter who has different views on some subjects.”
: You did abuse. You said I will say that I have nothing to do with her. All said and done, she is my daughter who has different views on some subjects
— Subramanian Swamy (@Swamy39) March 22, 2020
Swamy’s daughter is a journalist and married to Nadeem Haidar, son of Salman Haidar, former Indian foreign secretary. Last year, Swamy had slammed a BJP supporter after he accused his daughter of having converted to Islam.