Lok Janshakti Party chief Chirag Paswan has urged his supporters to vote for a ‘Nitish-free government’ in Bihar in the coming elections. Stepping up his attack against the incumbent Chief Minister Nitish Kumar, Paswan tweeted, “I urge all of you to vote for LJP candidates wherever LJP candidates are contesting to implement #Bihar1stBihari1st. In the remaining seats, do cast your vote in favour of BJP friends. The next government will be #NitishFree government.”
Chirag signed off his tweet with hashtag #ImpossibleNitish.
आप सभी से अनुरोध है की जहां भी @LJP4India के प्रत्याशी चुनाव लड़ रहे है उन सभी स्थानो पर #बिहार1stबिहारी1st को लागू करने के लिए लोजपा के प्रत्याशीयो को वोट दें व अन्य स्थानो पर भारतीय जनता पार्टी के साथीयों @BJP4Delhi को दें।आने वाली सरकार #नीतीशमुक्त सरकार बनेगी।#असम्भवनीतीश
— युवा बिहारी चिराग पासवान (@iChiragPaswan) October 25, 2020
The LJP, despite being a part of the BJP-led NDA at the Centre, had decided to go solo in this year’s Bihar assembly polls citing ideological differences with Nitish Kumar of the Janata Dal-United. His party is contesting on 138 seats.
The LJP had earlier maintained that it was still a part of the BJP-led National Democratic Alliance.
Bihar will go to polls in three phases with the first phase of elections set to be held on 28 October. Polling in the remaining two stages will take place on 3 and 7 November with the counting of votes scheduled for 10 November.