Ram Temple Trust Chief Nritya Gopal Das has tested positive for COVID-19 days after sharing the stage with Prime Minister Narendra Modi, RSS Chief Mohan Bhagwat, Governor Anandiben Patel and Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath during the foundation laying ceremony in Ayodhya.
Das has been shifted to Gurgaon’s Medanta Hospital after his condition reportedly worsened. It’s the same hospital where Home Minister Amit Shah is being treated for coronavirus.
On 5 August, during the bhoomi poojan ceremony for the Ram Temple, not only had Modi shared the stage with Das but also shook hands with him after concluding his speech.
82-year-old Das, who also heads Krishnabhoomi Nyas, tested positive for COVID-19 during his visit to Mathura for Janmashthmi celebrations.
Das has been heading the Ram Janmbhoomi Nyas since 2003. This is a trust run by members of Hindutva outfit Vishwa Hindu Parishad.