Karnataka 1st PUC Results 2020 at www.pue.kar.nic.in: Karnataka Pre-University Examination Board to declare Karnataka 1st PUC Results 2020 after lockdown @ karresults.nic.in


Karnataka 1st PUC Results 2020 at www.pue.kar.nic.in: The Karnataka Pre-University Examination Board will declare the Karnataka 1st PUC Results 2020 after lockdown on its official websites karresults.nic.in, and pue.kar.nic.in and kseeb.kar.nic.in. The current 21-day lockdown is likely to end on 14 April.

Karnataka 1st PUC Results 2020 at www.pue.kar.nic.in
Representational image

The Karnataka PUC had conducted the 1st PUC exanimation between 10 February and 25 February 2020. The board has reportedly completed its evaluation process for the Karnataka 1st PUC examination. The board had earlier scheduled to announce the results on 27 March.

Follow these steps to check your results:

1: Access the official website: karresults.nic.in and pue.kar.nic.in or kseeb.kar.nic.in

2: Enter your roll number and other required details in the respected fields.

3: Click on ‘Submit’

4: Your results will be displayed on the screen.

5: Take the printout and save the page for future references

About the board

The Department of Pre-University, Government of Karnataka is the organization for implementation of higher secondary education in the state. We function under the Department of Primary & Secondary Education.

There are 1202 Government Pre-University colleges, 637 Aided Pre-University colleges, 1936 Unaided Pre-University colleges, 165 bifurcated Pre-University colleges & 13 Corporation Pre-university colleges.

After X standard every year about 10 lakhs students enroll in the 2 year Pre-university courses. The courses offered by the Department are broadly classified under the categories of Humanities (Arts), Science & Commerce. There are 23 subjects, 11 languages and 50 combinations in the Pre-University curriculum.

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