Former Punjab Chief Minister Amarinder Singh on Monday formally joined the BJP after his newly-formed political outfit was rejected by voters in his home state. Singh, who was with the Congress for over 50 years, had formed his own party, Punjab Lok Congress, and contested this year’s assembly polls in alliance with the BJP.
His party failed to win a single seat and Singh had to face a humiliating defeat even on his home turf in Patiala.
Welcoming Singh in the BJP, Union Minister Narendra Singh Tomar said, “Captain Sahab has always kept nation above all. I am delighted to welcome him and his supporters in BJP family on behalf of millions of BJP workers.”
The 80-year-old politician was sacked as the state’s chief minister by the Congress leadership for his close links with the BJP. The Congress had named Charanjit Singh Channi as the new chief minister of Punjab. However, the Congress too lost power as the Aam Aadmi Party won a historic landslide.
Former Punjab CM Capt Amarinder Singh meets BJP National president JP Nadda in Delhi
He will join BJP in Delhi today.
— ANI (@ANI) September 19, 2022
Singh has just returned from London, where he underwent spinal surgery. After his return to India, he met BJP President JP Nadda. He had also met Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Home Minister Amit Shah.