Days after the high-profile wedding of Anam Mirza and Mohammed Asaduddin, Indian tennis star Sania Mirza’s sister has released the video of her ‘fairytale wedding.’ Billed as Hyderabad’s own Shloka Mehta and Akash Ambani, Anam and Asad had tied the knot with each other earlier this month. In the video posted by Anam, Sania and her parents are seen opening up for the first time about Anam’s blossoming romance with the son of the former Indian cricket captain.
Sharing the video, Anam wrote, “dream. #AbBasAnamHi Once in a while, life gives you a fairytale. Here is ours. ❤ alhamdulillahforeverything. My wedding video had to be done by my favs, @daaemi. @asad_ab18 #AbBasAnamHi.”
In the video, Anam’s mother says that the alliance of Anam and Asad was a sheer destiny. Sania, for her part, said, “I’ve seen Anam and Asad fall in love and come to their life.” The video also captured the moment when Muslim priest conducted the Nikah ceremony as Anam’s father repeated the lines uttered by the Maulvi. This was the moment when Asad said qubool hai. As Asad accepted Anam as his legally wedded wife by saying Alhamdilillah maine qubool kiya, Sania Mirza’s sister was seen wiping the tears off her eyes.
The Mirzas are royalty in Hyderabad just like the Ambanis in Mumbai. What makes the alliance between Anam and Asad even more special is Azhar’s pedigree as one of the most successful captains of the Indian cricket team. Azhar, who led India both in One Day International and Test matches for a number of years, is currently the President of the Hyderabad Cricket Association.
Sania had confirmed in October this year that her younger sister Anam will marry Asad. “She is actually getting married in December. We just came back from her bachelorette trip in Paris. We are really excited,” she had told Times of India.
This is Anam’s second marriage after she separated from her first husband Akbar Rasheed in 2018. Both had got married in a star-studded ceremony in 2016.