Tiger Shroff and Disha Patani have often dominated social media conversations because of their rumoured relationship. The Baaghi star has now made the boldest statement yet about Disha as he appeared to liken her to Vitamin D. Reacting to Tiger’s comments, Disha painted her rumoured boyfriend’s timeline with heart emojis. This came just weeks after Disha made a stunning confession on The Kapil Sharma Show saying that she secretly checked Tiger out in the gym.
Forced to live in self-isolation due to the coronavirus pandemic, Tiger took to Instagram to share a photo of himself soaking the sun. He wrote, “Getting some vit D on set before my vit B(aaghi).”
It seems by vit D, Tiger was referring to Disha, who replied with plenty of smiley emojis with heart eyes.
Tiger’s post came just a day after Disha shared a couple of photos of herself with her love while marking the two years of Baaghi 2. She wrote, “Happy 2 years of baaghi 2 ❤️❤️” In the photos, Disha and Tiger looked deeply in love with each other.
Disha’s would-be mother-in-law Ayesha Shroff and Tiger’s sister Krushna reacted by posting a series of red hearts.
In February this year, Disha was asked if she had secretly checked out anyone in the gym. To which she had replied, ‘I’ve checked out only one person.” Although she did not name the person, it was evident for everyone who she was referring to as Kapil said, “Well done. good job. Very good choice.”
Krushna Abhishek of The Kapil Sharma Show too had taken a dig at Disha’s bold photos that she often shared on Instagram, adding that her fans often left their work to like and share her bold photos every time she went on a holiday. Krushna, who plays a masseur Sapna’s character, told Disha that Tiger Shroff often visited her parlour and even forgot his underwear during his last visit.
Disha was last seen in Malang starring Disha Patani, Aditya Roy Kapur, Anil Kapoor and Kunal Kemmu. She will next be seen opposite Salman Khan in Radhe: Your Most Wanted Bhai.