BJP MP Subramanian Swamy has hit out at the Delhi government headed by Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal with ‘Naxalite’ and ‘Shree 420’ jibes for its inability to control the COVID-19 pandemic in the national capital.
Swamy took to Twitter to launch a tirade against Kejriwal as he wrote, “Delhi is an international shame in controlling Coronavirus cases. As an imbedded (sic) Naxalite, Shree 420 may want Delhi to become a shame of India.”
Delhi is an international shame in controlling Coronavirus cases. As an imbedded Naxalite, Shree 420 may want Delhi to become a shame of India.
— Subramanian Swamy (@Swamy39) June 25, 2020
Swamy’s attack came amidst a rapidly worsening COVID-19 situation in Delhi. The national capital of India has recorded 2,429 deaths so far. With more than 70,000 positive cases, Delhi has become the second worst-hit state in India after Maharashtra.
Swamy also questioned the Indian government’s decision to stop Ramdev from advertising his new medicine that he claimed to cure COVID-19. Swamy asked, “Why did the authorities wait till Baba Ramdev announced the sale, to strike at his venture? It is not as if Swami Ramdev had made the production plan secret.”
Why did the authorities wait till Baba Ramdev announced the sale, to strike at his venture? It is not as if Swami Ramdev had made the production plan secret.
— Subramanian Swamy (@Swamy39) June 25, 2020
The Centre’s AYUSH ministry had moved in with lightning speed earlier this week to ask Ramdev’s Patanjali Ayurved to stop advertising that its ‘Coronil and Swasari’ medicine is capable of treating COVID-19. The ministry had said in a notification that Patanjali must immediately provide the name and composition of the medicines being claimed for COVID treatment.
This was after Ramdev claimed that its medicine had shown 100% favourable results during clinical trials on COVID-19 patients, except those on life support systems.