Pathaan’s soaring box office success globally has brought Shah Rukh Khan to the centre of intense social media conversations. While members of the film fraternity have showered praises on King Khan for reinventing himself this late in his career, some representatives of India’s TV channels have moved quickly to share their own personal anecdotes about the Bollywood megastar. The latest in the series is famous Aaj Tak anchor, Prabhu Chawla, who is seen revealing in a viral video that Shah Rukh once wanted to buy the India Today-owned TV channel and keep the anchor as his servant.
Chawla, who had presented Aaj Tak’s interview-based show, Seedhi Baat, told his colleague in a video that Shah Rukh was the most repeated guest on his show as the actor was interviewed 8-9 times by him.
“I spoke to Shah Rukh Khan many times. Shah Rukh Khan once even asked me why I was interviewing him so many times,” Chawla said.
The veteran anchor said that he even told Shah Rukh that he was earning so much money, but growing old. According to Chawla, he asked Shah Rukh why he was owning stakes in diverse fields including cricket.
“He said, ‘what’s your problem?’ I interviewed Shah Rukh Khan 8-9 times. He said, “I will earn so much money that one day I will buy Aaj Tak and keep you as my servant.”
Main 'Aaj Tak' Khareed Lunga 😂
Tujhe Naukar Banaunga – Shah Rukh Khan!!! 🔥
— ARFAT SRK FAN (@iam_arfatSRKian) May 23, 2022
Chawla later reiterated that Shah Rukh’s utterances were on record.
Pathaan has smashed all box office records by crossing Rs. 1,000 crore at the box office. The success assumes significance given that India’s Hindutva brigade had called for a boycott of his film. The call for a boycott was supported by several powerful BJP leaders.