Twitter has announced its plans to make several changes to enable its users to save number of characters while posting tweets on the microblogging site.
Among the changes being contemplated are excluding users’ names will not count towards the 14-character limit.
Writing a blog, Todd Sherman, Twitter’s product manage, said, “Over the past decade, the Tweet has evolved from a simple 140-character text message to a rich canvas for creative expression featuring photos, videos, hashtags, Vines, and more. In just the past few months we added the ability to poll your community, react quickly and cleverly with GIFs, and share and enjoy Periscope broadcasts in Tweets.
“So, you can already do a lot in a Tweet, but we want you to be able to do even more. In the coming months we’ll make changes to simplify Tweets including what counts toward your 140 characters, so for instance, @names in replies and media attachments (like photos, GIFs, videos, and polls) will no longer “use up” valuable characters.”
Here are changes Twitter is proposing, according to Sherman.
Replies: When replying to a Tweet, @names will no longer count toward the 140-character count. This will make having conversations on Twitter easier and more straightforward, no more penny-pinching your words to ensure they reach the whole group.
Media attachments: When you add attachments like photos, GIFs, videos, polls, or Quote Tweets, that media will no longer count as characters within your Tweet. More room for words!
Retweet and Quote Tweet yourself: We’ll be enabling the Retweet button on your own Tweets, so you can easily Retweet or Quote Tweet yourself when you want to share a new reflection or feel like a really good one went unnoticed.
Twitter’s rival, Facebook, has no restrictions on character limit for its users and criticis have often highlighted this as a major handicap for Twitter users.
The changes being contemplated, according to Sherman, will be available in comping months.