Now paramilitary forces want One Rank One Pension for them


With the ongoing relay hunger strike by the ex-servicemen to pressurise the government for the implementation of One Rank One Pension, now the paramilitary forces too have demanded that hey too should be given the exact benefit of OROP.

In a representation to the seventh pay commission through home ministry, forces have demanded one-rank -one-pension for themselves arguing that they are the first line of defence on the border and work in far tougher conditions compared to the Army.

The paramilitary forces too have demanded parity in all special pay and allowances with the armed forces apart from asking for similar leave, peace posting and housing policies as that of the Army. Going beyond comparison with armed forces, they have demanded child care leave for widowed jawans and pushed for their long-standing demand of non-functional upgradation of pay for officers denied promotion for lack of vacancies.

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