In another hit and run case in Mumbai, female lawyer, Jahanvi Gadkar who crashed her Audi Q3 ina taxi on Monday, was on Friday, placed in judicial custody for fourteen days.
35 year old , Jahanvi Gadkar, a vice president with the legal team at Reliance Industries Limited, accused of not only drunk driving, but also of driving on the wrong side of the road, killed two people in the accident.
It is also being reported that Gadkar might have visited a second pub, where she also consumed alcohol. Police are examining the CCTV footage from concerned pub, whose waiters are also to be questioned.
Tests showed Gadkar’s blood samples had three times the permitted level of alcohol for driving(30mg) on the day of the accident. During questioning, the 35-year-old lawyer had said that she had visited a restaurant and met her colleagues, where she consumed two pegs of whiskey to celebrate a new deal, the police have claimed. Later she slept inside her car at the Marine Drive for two hours to get sober, she reportedly said.
The taxi carrying Saboonwala and family (who were out celebrating the son’s 90 percentage marks in the ISC) was hit by Gadkar’s overspeeding car after she suspectedly drove 11 km in the wrong lane.
The father- Saboonwala and the taxi driver died in the crash.