Barely months after poll strategist, Prashant Kishor parted ways with Prime Minister Narendra Modi to help his rival Nitish Kumar script an unprecedented win in Bihar, his Association of Citizens for Accountable Governance (popularly known as CAG) has been served notice by Income Tax authorities.
Kishor shot to prominence after he his CAG ran ahigh-profile campaign for Modi during 2014 general elections.
A report in Economic Times said that he had now issued summons by tax authorities.
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Kishor had formed CAG in 2013. He’s now leading a new outfit called IPAC (Indian Political Action Committee).
According to the report, tax authorities have asked CAG to declare details of its income and sources of income for the last four years. Summons have been issued by the Directorate General of Central Excise Intelligence in Nashik.
Quoting Sushil Kumar Kale, deputy director of the Directorate General of Central Excise Intelligence, the ET report said that he didn’t wish to comment on the case. Kishor didn’t respond to ET’s queries.
This new revelation is bound to be controversial and timing could come for intense scrutiny.
Modi has been accused by his detractors of carrying out political vendetta.
Delhi chief minister, Arvind Kejriwal, in the past and more recently, his Uttarakhand counterpart, Harish Rawat, have blamed the prime minister for harassing his political opponents using the official machinery at his disposal.
In Gujarat, where the prime minister served as chief minister for little over a decade, his critics always complained of similar charges against him.
Central Excise Intelligence Directorate has also asked the company to show its income ledgers, so that details of annual incomes can be reviewed. Failure to comply will attract section 174 and section 175 of the Indian penal code, the notice says. According to ministry of corporate affairs data, the Association of Citizens for Accountable Governance is a company registered in India, with registered office in Mumbai.