In the wake of unabated suicides by farmers due to crop loss and loan burden, ministers of the Odisha government continue to face protests and demonstrations by the opposition during their visits to rural areas.
As many as 15 BJP supporters were arrested by police in Boudh district on Wednesday for showing black flags and agitating during the visit of Industry Minister Debi Prasad Mishra and Energy Minister Pranab Prakash Das.
Both the ministers were on an official tour to review development programmes.
The industry minister criticised the move by the opposition BJP, saying the party was indulging in cheap politics.
Agriculture Minister Pradeep Maharathy and Sports and Youth Affairs Minister Sudam Marandi were also shown black flags by the opposition on Tuesday during their visit to Balangir and Ganjam districts, respectively.
Police arrested six people for showing black flags to the minister in Balangir.
Throwing the party’s weight behind the protests, BJP vice president Pratap Sarangi said the ministers were touring districts only to impress voters while the government has failed to prevent suicides by farmers or provide any assistance to them.