Releasing a fresh set of five questions for Union Finance Minister, the Aam Aadmi Party on Wednesday asked him if he, as a former DDCA president (1999-2013), did not “interfere” in a Delhi Police investigation into the affiliation of the Syndicate Bank Cricket Club with the association.
The AAP also released two letters allegedly “written” by Jaitley to top Delhi police officers at that time regarding the Syndicate Bank Cricket Club’s affiliation issue.
At a press conference, addressed by AAP’s Ashutosh, the party released the two letters allegedly written by Jaitley to Delhi Police. According to AAP, Jaitley on 27 October 2011 had written a letter to the then Police Commissioner of Delhi B K Gupta asking him for closure of investigation going on at the Indraprastha Police Station against DDCA office bearers (Click on the letter below to enlarge).
AAP further said that on 5 May 2012, Jaitley had written to the then Special Commissioner of Delhi Police Ranjit Narayan in a bid to “pressurise him” to immediately stop questioning the suspect DDCA officials and “close” the case. (Click on the letter below to enlarge).
Jaitley has so far claimed that he was the non-executive president and he was in no way connected with any wrongdoing in the DDCA.
The AAP’s five questions for Jaitley regarding the affiliation of the Syndicate Bank Cricket Club with the DDCA, released on Wednesday, are:
- Mr. Jaitley, is it not a fact that you misused your position as Leader of the Opposition (LoP) of Rajya Sabha to pressurise the Delhi Police?
- Being an eminent lawyer yourself, can you deny that your action amounts to directly obstructing the police investigation in an ongoing case?
- Mr. Jaitely, on what basis did you conclude that the complaints regarding Syndicate Bank were unsubstantiated and disclosed no offence?
- Given your political clout in this central government, is it fair for you to continue as a central minister, particularly when the Delhi Police directly reports to the Centre?
- Mr. Jaitley, what was your interest in attempting to derail the investigation and did you reveal your action in the next DDCA AGM?