CBSE Class 10 and 12 Exams and Results 2020: CBSE to declare new exam and result dates 2020 for Class 10 and 12 @


CBSE Class 10 and 12 Exams and Results 2020: The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) will declare new exam and result dates 2020 for Class 10 and 12 on its website after the current lockdown is lifted. Prime Minister Narendra Modi held a video conference with state chief ministers with most recommending in favour of a further extension of two more weeks.

CBSE Class 10 and 12 Exams and Results 2020


The board is likely to announce its plan on how it intended to evaluate exam papers when the lockdown is in force. Many expect that the CBSE may decide to hold examinations for only key papers, required for the promotion to the new class.

Last week, the board had released a detailed FAQ in light of several misleading reports over the dates of the CBSE exam and result dates.

About CBSE Board

The apex board of education in India, CBSE has a pan India jurisdiction and also a global presence with nearly 141 affiliated schools across 21 countries. The board grants affiliation to schools up to higher secondary level and develops common curriculum keeping nationwide requirements in focus. The CBSE was given its present name ‘Central Board of Secondary Education’ in the year 1952. The Board was reconstituted in the year 1962 when its jurisdiction was extended.

Functions Of The Board

  1. To make necessary arrangements for smooth conduct of public examination at school level. At present, the Board conducts public examinations at Middle, Matriculation and Senior Secondary Level.
  2. To prescribe the curriculum, courses of studies and text books for school education. The Board has a full- fledged academic wing, having subject experts in all the major subjects. The main responsibility of this wing is to prepare and revise the syllabuses regularly and then prepare text books accordingly.
  3. To arrange for the preparations, compilation, improvement, publication, printing and sale of text books.
  4. To make necessary arrangements for affiliations of schools to the Board.
  5. To make efforts to bring about qualitative improvement in school education.
  6. To act as an advisory body to the state Govt. regarding School Education


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