Reliance Foundation chairperson Nita Ambani has launched the world’s largest free meal programme ever undertaken by any corporate house to help India’s poor amidst the coronavirus pandemic. Nita Ambani, the wife of India’s richest businessman Mukesh Ambani, said that keeping in mind the plight of India’s poor, Reliance Foundation had launched an ambitious programme, Mission Anna Seva. She said that this was ‘our pledge to feed needy Indians.’ “In our culture anna daan (food donation) is maha daan (biggest charity),” she said in a special video message (watch below).
The Reliance Foundation chairperson said, “Through Mission Anna Seva, we will provide over three crore meals to marginalised community and frontline workers across our nation. This will be the largest meal distribution programme ever undertaken by a corporate foundation anywhere in the world.”
“For Mukesh and me, it’s our top priority to ensure that each one of you and your loved ones in your families are safe, protected and COVID free. COVID-19 is an unprecedented pandemic for the world, for India and humanity. As India enters an extended period of lockdown, our hearts go out to all those Indians, who depend on daily wages for the next meal. They too are members of our parivaar (family).”
Nita also said that in partnership with the Mumbai civic body, BMC, Reliance Industries had set up ‘India’s first 100-bed exclusive COVID-19 hospital in Mumbai in just two weeks.’ She said that Reliance was ‘now expanding this facility to a capacity of 250 beds.’ She continued, “We will produce 1 lakh masks and hundred thousand PPE daily for health workers and care-givers across India. Reliance is also providing free fuels to emergency vehicles to help ensure COVID-19 patients quickly get the medical care they require in this hour of need.”
She said that Reliance Foundation had donated Rs 535 crore to various relief funds, including the PM CARES Fund. Her husband Mukesh Ambani, who celebrated his 63rd birthday on Sunday, is the richest Indian business and heads Reliance Industries.
Nita Ambani said that India will emerge triumphant by defeating corona.