Alia Bhatt and Kareena Kapoor Khan weren’t the only celebrities wishing filmmaker Karan Johar on his birthday as he turned 48 on 25 May. Also extending birthday greetings was Mukesh and Nita Ambani’s sister-in-law Tina Ambani, who wrote a profound note to wish Karan on his 48th birthday. Tina, who recently trended on the internet for her heartfelt note on the first wedding anniversary of Shloka Mehta and Akash Ambani, wrote that Karan resembled his late father Yash Johar in many aspects.
Tina wrote, “It’s heart-warming to see so much of Yash, the sweetest and most thoughtful of people, in the wonderful man you’ve become…devoted son, doting father, loving friend, fabulous fashionista. Happy birthday Karan. More power to you, your talent and creativity.”
Karan Johar had recently shared a hilarious note making fun of his grey hair as he wrote, “Godrej expert rich creme. Hi guys!!! So it’s been 20 days and I still haven’t got any offer for the FATHER ROLES! Clearly, my grey hair look wasn’t as cool as I thought. Even my kids have started calling me buddhha. So, what better day than my birthday to be my sexy self again and to surprise all of you with my (not so) new look! I tried Godrej Expert Rich Crème Hair Colour and ta-daa! I LOVE my new look!”
Tina, herself a former Bollywood actress, has become incredibly popular on Instagram with her posts often trending on the internet. Anil Ambani’s wife was recently in the news after her former co-star and legendary actor Rishi Kapoor died. Reacting to Rishi’s death, Tina had written, “Devastated that you’re gone Chintu. Thank you for the movies, the memories, the sheer joy of knowing you for a lifetime. Love always. Om shanti.”
Not too long ago, she wrote an adorable note for her nephew Akash Ambani and his wife Shloka Mehta as the couple celebrated their first wedding anniversary on 11 March. Tina’s post had read, “To a beautiful couple who are always in sync, perfectly matched, and brimming with love. Happy anniversary Akash and Shloka, stay blessed always ?”
Tina Ambani had recently revealed how the nationwide lockdown had forced the three men in her life to resort to a DIY grooming session. Three photos shared by Tina, Nita Ambani’s sister-in-law, of her husband and two sons, had gone viral on the internet, prompting fans to admire the simplicity of one of India’s super-rich families.