Veteran actor Kabir Bedi has married, for the fourth time. This time his bride Parveen Dusanj is 29 years younger to him.
Breaking the news on twitter, daughter Pooja Bedi, described her new step-mom a wicked witch.
Her tweet said, “Every fairy tale has a wicked witch or an evil step-mother! Mine just arrived!”
According to media reports, Kabir and Parveen got married during his 70th birthday celebration at a friend’s house in Mumbai.
The couple has been dating each other for nearly a decade.
This is Kabir’s fourth marriage with his previous three wives including Protima Bedi, Susan Humphreys and Nicki Bedi.
Kabir is believed to have proposed to his new wife in 2010 while holidaying in Rome. Although she had said ‘yes’ to his proposal, she had not committed to a firm date for wedding.
The wedding was reportedly a private event with close relatives and friends as guests. A small sufi music performance was organised for the guests and the couple visited a gurdwara soon after enter
(Photos: Courtesy Bhaskar and journalist Man Aman Chinna)