Fashion designer Sabyasachi recently revealed that Isha Ambani, the daughter of Mukesh and Nita Ambani, has privately held a social media account. If the account tagged by Sabyasachi is indeed that of the daughter of Mukesh and Nita Ambani’s, then Isha has become the first member of India’s richest family to exist on social media. This was after the renowned fashion designer shared Isha’s photo in her Diwali outfit that was designed by him.
There’s considerable media interest in all members of the Ambani family including Shloka Mehta and Akash Ambani, but they have always stayed away from social media platforms up until now. The updates on their movement are often shared by their fan pages on Instagram.
While sharing Isha’s photo, Sabyasachi wrote, “Isha Ambani Piramal @_iiishmagish in a Sabyasachi Benarasi sari and heritage necklace by Sabyasachi Heritage Jewellery.”
In the photo, Isha was seen dressed in a maroon velvet zari blouse with a pista green brocade saree with emerald and pearl jewellery. She had worn the same saree to attend the Diwali party hosted by her parents Mukesh and Nita Ambani last week.
What was significant about Sabyasachi’s post was that he tagged Isha on Instagram using a handle @_iiishmagish, which is a private account without a verified blue tick. It would be difficult to believe that a person of Sabyasachi’s stature would mistake someone else’s account as Isha’s.
The famous fashion designer tagged Isha once again when he posted another photo of the famous Ambani daughter in the same benarasi saree.
A closer look at the Instagram account @_iiishmagish shows that whilst it has barely a few hundred followers, it is followed by big Bollywood names such as Alia Bhatt, Priyanka Chopra, Mira Rajput, Sonam Kapoor, Shraddha Kapoor, Karan Johar, Arjun Kapoor and Parineeti Chopra.
All these Bollywood celebrities enjoy a close bond with the Ambani family and had even attended the wedding functions of both Isha and her brother Akash Ambani in December last year and March this year respectively. While Isha married Anand Piramal, Akash tied the knot with his childhood friend Shloka Mehta.
It’s, however, not clear how the daughter of Asia’s richest family still does not have her Instagram account verified.