The popular comedy show Comedy Nights with Kapil on Colors has come to and end. The show that, through its existence in the last three years, redefined comedy on Indian television ended on a sorry note as the host channel Colors did not broadcast the last episode.
Arguably the most successful comedy show on Indian TV,CNWK had actor Akshay Kumar as its last guest.
A video of emotional members of Kapil Sharma’s TV family had already gone viral even before the show could be telecast. (See video below).
The show’s popular character Gutthi played by Sunil Grover broke down on stage as he struggled to hide his emotions.
He said, ” I’m going to miss this. I don’t know if it ever comes back but this was the best phase of my life.”
Akshay Kumar said that he had appeared on KNWK several times but the last episode was his best, little realising that the show will not be broadcast by the channel.
Messages have been pouring in on social media as well. On Twitter in particular, the supporters of KNWK had started a hashtag #ComedyNightsWithKapil, which became the top national trend in no time.
The reason behind bringing the show to an end is Kapil Sharma’s displeasure with the channel. Sharma, whose production house K9 Productions had been producing KNWK, was reportedly unhappy that the channel had sidelined his show at the cost of Comedy Nights Bachao, now broadcast every Saturday in the same slot.
It was because of CNB that KNWK was converted into a once-a-week show. Sharma was also unhappy that the CNB was allowed to use the same format and same logo as that of the CNWK.
There are reports that CNWK will come back in new avatar and with new name on the rival channel Sony Entertainment soon.
Watch the moments when curtain fell on CNWK