The Bombay High Court has rejected Kangana Ranaut’s plea for an urgent hearing of her plea to renew her passport. This was after the court adjourned the matter for a week, prompting Kangana’s lawyer to request the bench of Justices PB Varale and SP Tavade to consider listing the matter on an earlier date. Kangana’s lawyer, Rizwan Siddiqui, said that the Bollywood actor was required to travel aboard for the shooting of her film.
However, the court rejected the plea and bluntly told the actor’s lawyer, “It is just a movie production, they will modify the schedule for her (Ranaut). And if there was urgency, she would have approached you (Siddiquee) with all requisite details. Your application is vague. We have granted you the earliest date!”
The court, according the Bar and Bench website, also added that Kangana had failed to make the competent authority a respondent in her application. It said, “You want us to pass an order against the passport authority without them being a party in this application…”
The controversial actor had said in her plea that her passport was set to expire in September and she was required to travel to Hungary for the shooting of one of her films. The passport authority, according to her, had refused to renew her passport since there were pending criminal cases against her.
The Bandra Police had filed an FIR against Kangana and her sister Rangoli Chandel for using their social media pages to cause communal enmity between two religious groups in India.
Social media platform Twitter later banned both Kangana and her sister.