Alia Bhatt’s mother Soni Razdan has conceded her mistake after the Delhi Airport pointed out the factual inaccuracy in a viral corona video that she had shared from her Twitter account. No sooner did the Delhi Airport highlight the mistake, Soni Razdan deleted the video of distressed passengers creating ruckus outside the immigration counters at the Indira Gandhi International Airport.
It all started with Alia Bhatt’s mother sharing a viral video that showed dozens of passengers protesting outside the immigration desk at the Indira Gandhi International Airport in Delhi. It was alleged that these passengers had recently arrived from abroad and the immigration authorities had confiscated their passports upon arrival at the airport. The viral video alleged that passengers were forced to undergo coronavirus tests in order to get their passports back.
Reacting to her tweet, the Delhi Airport tweeted from its official Twitter handle, “Dear Ma’am, The video being circulated is an old one. Currently, all immigration-related processes have been streamlined and operations are fully normal. We continue to work in close coordination with all stakeholders to minimize any inconvenience to the passengers.”
Dear Ma’am,
The video being circulated is an old one. Currently, all immigration-related processes have been streamlined and operations are fully normal. We continue to work in close coordination with all stakeholders to minimize any inconvenience to the passengers. [1/2]
— Delhi Airport (@DelhiAirport) March 18, 2020
Reacting to the rebuttal by the Delhi Airport, Soni Razdan wrote, “Thank you. That’s great to know and if it’s an old one as you say then my tweet is not valid and shall be deleted right away.” Her subsequent tweet read, “Deleting my tweet right away as this clarification has been issued by Delhi Airport. My only concern was the safety of those who could have spread the virus to each other (and to others) due to the way they were herded together, and not that people should not be checked.”
Deleting my tweet right away as this clarification has been issued by Delhi Airport. My only concern was the safety of those who could have spread the virus to each other (and to others) due to the way they were herded together, and not that people should not be checked. ?
— Soni Razdan (@Soni_Razdan) March 18, 2020
Coronavirus has caused widespread chaos in India with the country recording at least three deaths, one each in Delhi, Bengaluru and Mumbai.