Ever since Yogi Adityanath, a known face of militant Hindutva, has become the chief minister of Uttar Pradesh, the right-wing brigade has erupted in excitement. While social media has been replete with incredibly menacing threats for known BJP critics, the BJP supporters have also now begun flaunting their ‘power’ against members of minority community.
In one such incident in Uttar Pradesh’s Meerut district, a man was seen threatening a group of Muslim women using Yogi Adityanath’s name even as woman thrashed them even as police personnel watched as silent spectators.
The victim told ABP News that the fight started after her child, who was playing on a swing in the nearby park, was asked to leave. The victim said that the opposite party called them names mocking their religious background.
However, when contacted, the girl who was accused of forcing the Muslim child of leaving the swing, said alleged that she was the victim of their abuses and physical assaults.
She said that the Muslim family had assaulted her in the park first.
Meerut has always been notorious for communal tension in the past.
Will such incidents be now be a new normal under Yogi Aditynath? That remains a million dollar question, at least for now!
Watch the video below!
(Our earlier version had wrongly said that the lady who thrashed Muslim women was the wife of the person who threatened them using the chief minister’s name.)