Modi’s supporters use fake photo of street artist drawing PM’s image in Israel


Remember our EXCLUSIVE story busting the fake image of Prime Minister Narendra Modi cleaning the floor using a broom last year? The image was widely used by the supporters of the BJP in their election materials in the run-up to the 2014 Lok Sabha polls.

It was an attempt to demonstrate the humble background of Modi.

However, as reported by us, the image was photoshopped and the prime minister had never held broom or worn the torn khadi clothes depicted in the photo.

With 2019 Lok Sabha elections in mind, the supporters of the prime minister have once again resorted to photoshopped image of Modi.

A Facebook page, called Mission Modi 2019, recently posted an image of a street artist, drawing an image of Modi. The photo (below) went viral on social media platforms coinciding Modi’s arrival in Israel to illustrate just how popular he was even outside India.

However, as it turned out, the Mission Modi 2019 had resorted to Photoshop to create a favourable image of the prime minister.


The image being circulated by Modi supporters is fake because this was nothing but a photoshopped version of a photo dating back to 2005 and clicked at the Centre of Pompidou in Paris (See below). In the original photo, the street artist was attempting to reproduce Vermeer’s Het Meisje Met de Parel.


Surprisingly, the Mission Modi 2019’s Facebook page continues to keep its post live despite being made aware that they are using a fake photo.

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