A special court in Mumbai on Thursday extended till November 30 the CBI custody of former media baron Peter Mukerjea, one of the four prime accused in the sensational Sheena Bora murder case.
Mukerjea was presented before a CBI court on Thursday afternoon after he was brought to Mumbai from New Delhi where he was taken for investigation by the agency three days ago.
The prosecution requested for additional custody of Peter as they wanted to probe the money angle and also carry out a polygraph (lie detector) test on him.
Peter was arrested on November 20 from his home in Mumbai’s Worli area and has been in CBI custody since then.
Among other things, the CBI contends that Peter was aware of the killing of Sheena, the daughter of his wife Indrani Mukerjea.
In August, Mumbai police had arrested Indrani, her ex-husband Sanjeev Khanna and her former driver Shyamwar Rai in connection with the murder.
Indrani, Khanna and Rai is in CBI custody till December 3.