One is a prominent Indian activist and the other a popular face on Indian TV. Both women were trolled on social media for their remarks against PM Narendra Modi. Ironically, both these ladies faced the verbal onslaught of BJP supporters on social media on the day Modi was promoting #SelfieWithDaughter in a bid to instill a sense of pride among fathers about their daughters.
Soon after the PM announced he was expecting parents to send their photos with their daughters promising that he will retweet the best ones, Kavita Krishnan, tweeted, “”Careful before sharing #SelfieWithDaughter with #LameDuckPM. He has a record of stalking daughters.”
This was enough for them to invite outrage from the PM’s supporters, who are known to give grief to those perceived to be critical of their leaders.
Amongst those who joined to hurl expletives against Krishnan, a leading activist in India, was a popular TV and bollywood actor Alok Nath. He tweeted;
Here’s how other Modi supporters reacted to Krishnan’s tweet.
Krishnan’s tweet was in reference to a scandal that had rocked the politics of Gujarat, where Narendra Modi was the chief minister couple of years ago. It was after two websites, and carried audio recordings of Amit Shah, who was heard giving instructions for an illegal surveillance of a girl.
The recordings also suggested that the snooping had been ordered by a ‘sahab,’ which was perceived to be Narendra Modi, now India’s PM.
Soon after Kavita Krishnan began to trend on twitter, came Shruti Seth’s tweets.
She tweeted.
Modi’s supporters soon began to hound her on twitter but like Krishnan, Seth too appeared to ‘enjoy’ the twitter roasting. Far from getting fazed by the barrage of choicest of abuses, these two ladies continued to retweet those abusive tweets.
Both Krishnan and Seth received plenty of support from neutral quarters. The tweet by this journlist @bainjal summed up the support for them. She asked the PM to see the abusive tweets by his supporters directed at two ‘daughters’ of India to understand how spectacularly his #SelfieWithDaughter campaign had failed.