Piyush Goyal is one of those very few Union Ministers in the Centre’s Narendra Modi government, who positively reacts to even criticism.
Last year, as the Union Power Minister, he tweeted a photo from Russia to claim the success of Ujjawala Yojna, Janata Ka Reporter was the first news platform to highlight the inaccurate claim.
Goyal had reacted swiftly to our report and acknowledged the mistake before deleting the tweet. Goyal has two official Twitter accounts; @PiyushGoyal and @PiyushGoyalOffc. His personal account has around 3.8 million followers, while the number of Twitter users following his office account exceeds 2.86 lakh.
His office account follows a whopping 97,000 followers including journalists, politicians and supporters of the BJP. However, among those followed by his office also includes a Twitter handle, known for posting and promoting graphic porn materials.
The porn Twitter handle in question is @Hot***ali, which has in excess of 29,000 followers. One of the reasons why we are not revealing the exact Twitter handle of the porn account is because our intention is to not contribute to its further popularity on social media.However, an official account of a Union Minister following a porn Twitter handle is unbecoming of the office he or she holds.