“People of Kerala part of our success story,” says UAE king in emotional post promising urgent help for victims of Kerala floods


The UAE has announced the formation of a committee to provide urgent help to the people of Kerala, which is bearing the brunt of the worst floods in over 100 years. More than 300 people have died, while hundreds of thousands rendered homeless.


Taking to Instagram, Princess Haya Bint Al Hussein, shared an incredibly emotional post written by her father Sheikh Mohammed, acknowledging that people of Kerala had been a part of the kingdom’s success story. She wrote, “The people of Kerala have always been and are still part of our success story in the UAE. We have a special responsibility to help and support those affected, especially during this holy and blessed days.”

Reminding that this year’s floods has been the worst natural calamity for over a century, Hussein wrote, “Hundreds have been killed, hundreds of thousands have been displaced. Ahead of Eid Al Adha, do not forget to extend a helping hand to our brothers in India. UAE and the Indian community will unite to offer relief to those affected. We have formed a committee to start immediately. We urge everyone to contribute generously towards this initiative.”

The committee formed by the UAE will be chaired by Emirates Red Crescent and include representatives from the kingdom’s humanitarian organisations.

Earlier Sheikh Mohammed had posted a series of tweets pledging his country’s support to Kerala.

Oscar-winning artist and a Kerala native, Resul Pookutty, on Thursday had lashed out at the national media for ignoring the plight of the state’s population, currently reeling under the nature’s fury. His call for help struck a chord with the Bollywood artists as many of them took to social media pages urging their fans to generously donate to the Chief Minister’s Distress Relief Fund.

#Repost @hhshkmohd ・・・ تتعرض ولاية كيرالا في الهند في هذه الأيام لفيضانات ضخمة هي الأعنف خلال قرن .. أسفرت عن مقتل المئات وتشريد مئات الآلاف.. مع استعداداتنا لعيد الأضحى المبارك لا ننسى مد يد العون لاخوتنا في الهند .. شعب الامارات والجالية الهندية سيكونون يدا واحدة لإغاثة المتضررين. وجهت دولة الإمارات بتشكيل لجنة وطنية عاجلة لإغاثة المتضررين .. ونحث الجميع للمساعدة .. أبناء ولاية كيرالا كانوا ولا يزالون جزءا من قصة نجاحنا في الامارات .. واغاثتهم وإغاثة كل محتاج واجب وخاصة في هذه الأيام المباركة. The state of Kerala in India is currently witnessing huge floods, the most devastating in a century. Hundreds have been killed, hundreds of thousands have been displaced. Ahead of Eid Al Adha, do not forget to extend a helping hand to our brothers in India. UAE and the Indian community will unite to offer relief to those affected. We have formed a committee to start immediately. We urge everyone to contribute generously towards this initiative. The people of Kerala have always been and are still part of our success story in the UAE. We have a special responsibility to help and support those affected, especially during this holy and blessed days.

A post shared by Haya Bint Al Hussein (@hrhprincesshaya) on

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