Osmania University Degree Results 2020: The Osmania University has declared the OU Degree Revaluation Results 2020 for UG programmes such as BA / BSc / BBA and BCom courses on its official website osmania.ac.in.

Follow these steps to access your results
- Visit the official website osmania.ac.in
- Go to Examination Results section on the home page
- Click on Link for BA / BCom / BSc / BBA (CBCS) (RV) I,III,V semesters Nov/Dec 2019 Results
- Submit your hall ticket roll number and other details
- Your results will appear on the screen
- Take the printout and save the page for future references
About Osmania University
The propitious moment, however, came a few months later on 26th April, 1917 when a Firman was issued for the establishment of the University. The Firman also detailed the ‘Mission’ and ‘Objectives’ of the University to be that :
the ancient and modern, the oriental and occidental arts and sciences are synthesized in such a manner that the defects of the present system of education are rectified
the ancient as well as modern methods of physical, intellectual and spiritual education are to be fully utilized along with an effort for the propagation of knowledge, the moral improvement of the students is regulated on the one hand, and research work of a high order in all branches of knowledge is conducted on the other.
Though the medium of instruction of the University was ‘Urdu’, an Aryan language, that has direct kinship with other languages of the country, instruction of English, as a language, was made compulsory for each student.
One of the basic ideals of Osmania University is to achieve an intellectual synthesis of oriental and occidental learning of the best that has been thought of and said, both in the East and in the West. Further it aims at a cultural synthesis (as reflected in its architectural variety), the development of a national ethos, and the creation of an academic and social environment in which ‘National Integration’ is not a nebulous idea but a tangible reality.