On Thursday, the Goolge CEO Sundar Pichai took questions from teachers, students and social media users at an event organised by Delhi’s SRCC.
He spoke about his favourite football club, food, ability to memorise telephone numbers and Google’s future plans for India.
But it was his motivational talk that went down exceptionally well with the audience, who appeared spellbound by the speech of one of India’s finest IT wizards and exports to the USA.
Here are the highlights of what he said;
- It’s important to follow your dream and do something you are excited about. If you follow your heart you always do better
- Sometime you must work with people who make you feel insecure, It pushes you to do better
- Because that means you’re working with people who are better than you, who are pushing you, all this will encourage you to excel
- India has strong education system. Moving forward would be to change value based system to creativity based system
- The education system should also encourage students to take risks, not penalise for failing
- I shouldn’t admit, but I may have 20-30 smartphones in my house
- 30 years from now, we would still like to be serving humanity in profound way
- It’s only when I came to India last year I felt that start-up culture has taken hold here, it’s incredible to see
- Google is an amazingly fun place, you walk around and people are working on amazing things
- I grew up watching soccer, enjoyed watching Brazilian team and later became a huge fan of Barcelona Football Club