इंस्टाग्राम पर ‘ब्लाउज फ्री साड़ी’ पहनने का चला अभियान, सैकड़ों महिलाओं ने शेयर की अपनी-अपनी तस्वीर


दिवाली के मौके पर लोग अपने घर को सजाने, नए-नए उपहार और कपड़े खरीदने में व्यस्त है। वहीं इन दिनों सोशल साइट इंस्टाग्राम पर साड़ी प्रेमियों ने ‘ब्लाउज फ्री साड़ी’ पहनने का एक अभियान चल रखा है। यह अभियान में सैकड़ों महिलाएं भाग ले चुकी हैं। देखते-देखते यह अभियान सोशल मीडिया पर वायरल हो गया है।

अगर आप भी साड़ी प्रेमी हैं तो इस अभियान से जुड़कर नए-नए तरीकों से बिना ब्लाउज और पेटीकोट्स की साड़ी पहनना सीख सकती हैं। कई महिलाओं और लड़कियों ने नए-नए डिजाइन में बिना ब्लाउज की साड़ी पहनकर इंस्टाग्राम पर अपनी तस्वीर शेयर कर रही हैं। इसमें महिलाएं साड़ी पहनने की सरल तरीकों को बता रही हैं।

‘नो ब्लाउज’ अभियान की शुरूआत करने वाले यूजर्स ने लिखा है कि साड़ी फेस्टिवल में आपका स्वागत है। कोई है जो ब्लाउज को चुनौती दे। यूजर्स ने लिखा है कि आप अपनी पसंदीदा साड़ी में बिना ब्लाउज की एक तस्वीर पोस्ट करें और हमें नए तरीके साड़ी पहनकर दिखाएं।

इस अभियान से देश भर की महिलाएं काफी तेजी से जुड़ रही हैं। महिलाएं और लड़कियां बिना ब्लाउज की साड़ी पहनकर अपनी-अपनी तस्वीरें पोस्ट कर रही हैं। देखिए, महिलाओं द्वारा पोस्ट की गई कुछ खूबसूरत तस्वीरें:-


Some more Devis. The Saree Festival NO BLOUSE please challenge created a wave of Satvik no blouse dressing. A big thank to you to everyone who participated. While we received acclaim and bouquets, we also received some brickbats! Some participants who posted on their handles and posted on some saree groups were ridiculed and censored. As we predicted the colonial mindset is deeply entrenched in our psyche! Saree man salutes all the lovely ladies who reclaimed the beauty and purity of the saree, defeating outdated moral ideas that suppress Indian culture and women! Thank you @thiviyahnathan @priyakadapashah @pikeywho @msppj @ammishatshah @sareesandstories @misotini @kiransawhney @stajo12 @plumptopretty @pleatsnpallu @sareeonmovement @sharanya_manivannan @oorja.revivestyle @urban_sari @dtanaya @surekhap @surisavitha @travelista_in_saree @smehta206 @atambrahmgirl for participating and spreading the idea in various ways. I hope I am not missing anyone here…? We are announcing the winners of the challenge today! Stay tuned… I would like to submit that this idea is not over but has just started so please keep posting your no blouse pictures with the tag #booblouse #jaisaree KEEP THEM COMING! #redearth #sareeman #saree #sari #lovesaree #design #textiles #sarees #sareenotsorry #cottoniscool #indianfashion #fashion #india #isupporthandloom #handloom #handwoven #iwearhandloom #weaving #weaves #incredibleindia #sareefestival

A post shared by Red Earth / 1100 Walks (@saree.man) on

The Saree Festival NO BLOUSE please challenge created a wave of Satvik no blouse dressing. A big thank to you to everyone who participated. While we received acclaim and bouquets, we also received some brickbats! Some participants who posted on their handles and posted on some saree groups were ridiculed and censored. As we predicted the colonial mindset is deeply entrenched in our psyche! Saree man salutes all the lovely ladies who reclaimed the beauty and purity of the saree, defeating outdated moral ideas that suppress Indian culture and women! Thank you @thiviyahnathan @priyakadapashah @pikeywho @msppj @ammishatshah @sareesandstories @misotini @kiransawhney @stajo12 @plumptopretty @pleatsnpallu @sareeonmovement @sharanya_manivannan @oorja.revivestyle @urban_sari @dtanaya @surekhap @surisavitha @travelista_in_saree @smehta206 @atambrahmgirl for participating and spreading the idea in various ways. I hope I am not missing anyone here…? We are announcing the winners of the challenge today! Stay tuned.. I would like to submit that this idea is not over but has just started so please keep posting your no blouse pictures with the tag #booblouse #jaisaree KEEP THEM COMING #redearth #sareeman #saree #sari #lovesaree #design #textiles #sarees #sareenotsorry #cottoniscool #indianfashion #fashion #india #isupporthandloom #handloom #handwoven #iwearhandloom #weaving #weaves #incredibleindia #sareefestival

A post shared by Red Earth / 1100 Walks (@saree.man) on

Here is to "chunky arms"… #Repost @msppj (@get_repost) ・・・ I knew I was gonna wear this red for #Sashti but just yesterday, a challenge was made by @saree.man, a person I've admired from afar via his IG. It was to wear the sari sans a blouse or petticoat just like the way it was worn before the Colonialism of India. This drape isn't an innovative one but just to be able to do it was very liberating! (Especially considering I am very used to hiding what I think are my flaws very well with clothes. Hello, chunky arms! ??????) #HappyDussehra! #Navratri #FestiveFeels #ThePowerOfDrapesAndTucks #NoSafetyPins . . . . . . . . . . . #IndianBlogger #IndianFashionBlogger #DallasBlogger #DallasFashionBlogger #DallasBloggers #MsPPJ #ADesiInDallas #IGersIndia #IGersDallas #DallasStyle #DallasFashion #MadeInIndia #MsPPJAndASari #SariNotSorry #SareeNotSorry #IWearHandloom #Saristyle #SariLove #IndianHandloom #NavratriColors

A post shared by Red Earth / 1100 Walks (@saree.man) on

This beats even Mandakini! #Repost @ammishatshah (@get_repost) ・・・ #kunubi … What a wonderful weave and fabric to adorn … what is it ? Where is it from ? Here we go … Goa is known for its beaches and heritage all over the world, this small state has given birth to craftsmen and artists from all spheres of life. When one speaks about textiles and handicrafts from Goa, the first thing which comes to ones mind is the GODHADI making skill and the KUNBI SAREE. Thanks to our famous fashion designer Mr. Wendell Rodricks this dying fabric of Goa is being revived and put back on the world map. The Kunbi tribe is believed to be the oldest tribe of Goa. This tribal community is industrious and hard working, with the advent of the Portuguese rule in Goa these people originally Hindus, were converted to Christians. However their culture and rituals have a touch of Hinduism. Thanks to the exhibitions like " paramparik karigars " which brings us the treasure of all the Indian weavers their weaves and textiles under one roof and makes it available for the handloom lovers to buy … what better a tribute to the designer can be then styling a kunbi the original kunbi way … so today I choose to style a kunbi saree it's original way … References from the( I would call saree bible) " Saris tradition and beyond by Rta Kapur chishti…" Original image in the pics … Traditionally the sarees has been seen worn without the blouses and petticoats in spirit of retaining purity of the unstitched cloth and keeping the same spirits high i experiment with my saree sans no blouse look .. I feel in today's time of off shoulders and one shoulder tops and dresses this ancient way of wearing saree minus blouse is one of the most stylish , modern and at the same time sensous Way to enhance the feminine beauty … I dedicate this post to the up coming saree fest happening in mumbai from Sep 31 – oct 1 Watch out for www.sareefestival.com Your views , opinions , advice are most welcome … Stay stylish stay beautiful #ammishatshah #imageconsultant #stylist #jaisaree @saree.man #redearth #sareefestival #mumbai #noblouse #kunubi #iwearhandloom #cottoniscool #sareeman #himanshuverm

A post shared by Red Earth / 1100 Walks (@saree.man) on


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