Comedian Kapil Sharma’s former writer-director Raaj Shaandilyaa has confirmed the tragic death of Salman Khan’s former co-star Mohit Baghel days after he paid tributes to Rishi Kapoor and Irrfan Khan. Actor Mohit Baghel, who shot to fame by playing Amar Chaudhary’s character in Salman Khan-starrer Ready died of cancer, aged 26. His tragic death came just days after the young actor wrote profound notes on the deaths of Bollywood superstars Irrfan Khan and Rishi Kapoor.
News agency PTI quoted writer-director Raaj Shaandilyaa as saying that Mohit died on Saturday morning in his hometown Mathura in Uttar Pradesh.
“He is gone too soon. He has been undergoing treatment for cancer in AIIMS hospital in Delhi since six months (sic). I spoke to him last on May 15 and that time he was ok, he had started recovering. He stayed with his parents and elder brother in Mathura. I learnt about his demise from a common friend, who said he passed away today morning at his residence,” Shaandilyaa was quoted as saying.
Shaandilyaa also took to Twitter to say that he will wait for him on the sets of his next film.
मोहित मेरे भाई इतनी जल्दी क्या थी जाने की?
मैंने तुझसे कहा था देख तेरे लिए सारी इंडस्ट्री रुक गयी है जल्दी से ठीक होके आजा उसके बाद ही सब काम शुरू करेंगे,
तू बहुत अच्छी एक्टिंग करता है,इसलिए अगली फिल्म के सेट पे तेरा इंतज़ार करूँगा…और तुझे आना ही पड़ेगा
ॐ साई राम #cancer RIP— Raaj Shaandilyaa (@writerraj) May 23, 2020
Mohit had also featured in several TV series such as Comedy Circus and films such as Jabariya Jodi, Ekkees Toppon Ki Salaami and Gali Gali Chor Hai.
Mohit was quite active on Instagram and had paid profound tributes to Irrfan Khan and Rishi Kapoor when the two legendary actors passed away battling cancer recently. Reacting to Irrfan’s death, Mohit had said in disbelief, “Can’t believe this! दिल से दुखी हूँ ! ?
RIP @irrfan Sir.”
In another post, Mohit had written that he was not prepared to believe that Irrfan Khan was no longer alive.
On Rishi Kapoor’s death, Mohit had written that this was a ‘very sad news.’
Shaandaliya was the write and director of Kapil Sharma’s TV show on Colors TV, Comedy Nights With Kapil. Mohit considered Raaj as his mentor in the industry and was poised to act in his directorial debut Bollywood film.