A plea was filed in the Delhi High Court on Thursday seeking direction for the AAP government to withdraw an advertisement where chief minister Arvind Kejriwal warns people against “poisonous politicians”.
The application moved by NGO Nyayaa Path said that on 7-8 October, a news item was aired on various radio and TV news channels where the advertisement “glorified” Kejriwal and the Aam Aadmi Party at the expenses of public exchequer.
Kejriwal blamed “poisonous leaders” and “dirty politics” for sparking communal tension and said only the ‘aam aadmi’ (common man) can save the country from such insidious agenda.
The application was filed in cases already pending where a direction was sought to the Delhi government to immediately withdraw a TV advertisement and “restrain itself from such type of image building exercise of Arvind Kejriwal”.
Kejriwal said that the events of one night in Dadri in Uttar Pradesh shattered its decades-old syncretic culture and “irrevocably” destroyed many families living there.
The application said the sole purpose of the advertisement or the statement of Kejriwal was not to “paint the opposition parties as communal and anti-people, while projecting himself and his political party as the messiah of secularism”.
“The advertisement is also hurting at the root of secular fabric of India,” it added seeking direction to restrain the city government.
“The advertisement ‘Delhi government – AAP Ki Sarkar’ has not just tried to mislead the people of Delhi at their cost but has also tried to portray other political groups critical to Arvind Kejriwal’s government in a negative manner by stating that they are poisonous politicians and should be stopped,” the petition read.
“If we continue to listen to them, neither Hindus and Muslims will survive and nor would the country. Only one man can save the country, ‘Aam Aadmi’. The key is in your hands. Please save the country,” he said.
In the advertisement, Kejriwal said the key for a better future lay in the hands of the common man and a responsible media, which should stop relaying the “toxic statements” of such leaders.