Photo of Vasundhara Raje talking on phone during national anthem goes viral, Twitter users highlight BJP’s hypocrisy


A photo of Rajasthan Chief Minister Vasudhara Raje Scindia speaking while the national anthem being played has gone viral on social media platforms.

The photo in question is from an event organised on 9 October 2017. From the banner in the photo, it appears to be a meeting of the BJP’s state level working committee.

Twitter users have been fervently commenting on the photo with an overwhelming majority of them highlighting the glaring hypocrisy of the BJP leaders in the subject of nationalism.

BJP has always claimed to champion the cause of nationalism. The party had welcomed the mandatory standing during the national anthem in cinema halls by the Supreme Court.

Hindutva supporters had even bashed up people who refused to stand during the national anthem or asked them to go to Pakistan.

Here are some of the reaction on Twitter:

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